November 8, 2012

  • What are you Grateful for......


    Happy November to all of you! This is the month we celebrate thankfulness. November is a time to count our many blessings, name them one by one.


    I realize for many after the tragedy of Hurricane Sandy, this may be very difficult for you to do. Life storms batter us, ripping apart our plans and flooding us with a multitude of problems. Please remember that Grace is God's promise that we will not be destroyed, just as a rainbow was His promise that He would never again send a flood to devastate the earth completely.


    My heart and prayers go out to all of you. I know that many of you perhaps are no longer feeling the magic of our Creator, and perhaps some of you are feeling Him even more than before. I truly hope that you are.


    I hope that starting today we all remember and use one word over and over again. A simple word, not a mystery, but a word that is recognized and understood by all religions. That word is “Gratitude.”



    “Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.”


    Now put in the word gratitude....


    “Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever dose not have gratitude even what he or she has will be taken from him or her.


    We have all endure hard times, heart crushing moments in our lives, times that are engrained in our minds forever, and it is in these points in time that we must delve deep within our souls to remember all the things that make us truly grateful. We are grateful for our families, health, faith, or even something simple as a conversation with a friend.



    Both ancient teachings and modern medical research agree that to restore balance in our heart, minds and lives is to dwell in gratitude and gratefulness. The moment we shift our consciousness from one of negativity and despair, to one of gratefulness and gratitude we experience direct effects at many levels of your being.


    Your brain function improves, you transform and become more balanced. Your heart pumps with a simpatico rhythm, and your whole body becomes more harmonized. Filling your heart and mind with gratitude and prayers generates a natural reaction. Gratitude operates through a Universal Law that governs our lives, our world. It is the law of attraction. It is a principle of the Universe that Sir Isaac Newton discovered. His scientific discoveries included the fundamental laws of motion in the Universe. Every action always has an opposite and equal reaction.


    So every action of giving thanks, will always cause the reaction of receiving. The more you give thanks, the more you will receive.



    When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies within yourself.

    Tecumseh (1768 – 1813)

    Shawnee Native American Leader


    So for the month of November, I challenge you...arise in the morning and write down 5 things that you are truly grateful for each day. Learn the value of this magic word! I promise you will feel happier, healthier, and more and more grateful.  Keep a Gratitude Journal, and let me know what you are grateful for in your life.


    When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.”

    Willie Nelson

    Singer – Song Writer


    If you want to give the the Hurricane Sandy relief fund, please click on this link!!


Comments (6)

  • thank you for sharing this

  • my attitude is filled with grattitude...counting my blessings...

  • Wonderful advice. 
    What am I grateful for today?
    I woke up and feel good.
    A beautiful day awaits.
    A four day weekend and a road trip to Gatlinburg TN.
    Dear friends who tolerate my weirdness.
    Music, Christmas lights, and candles.

  • It really is true---gratitude and giving go hand in hand blessing both giver and receiver.


  • I am thankful for people who remind us to be grateful! :)

  • Ah, now this might actually help today.
    I am grateful for my warm, comfortable home.  For no lack of food to nourish my body....
    for decent neighbors,
    my loving and caring daughter,
    beautiful sunny days,
    the changing colors of the leaves and seasons,
    the warmth of the approaching holiday spirit,
    the opportunities that I have been given,
    the support that was there when I needed it,
    I am grateful for all that God has blessed me with
    including the country I was privileged to grow up in where I have enjoyed a freedom and security like so few others.

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